The Basics of Enchanting
If you would like to enchant items in Aardwolf, you will need the proper skills and spells. Below is a list of all the enchantment skills and the classes that have them.
Skill | Classes | Enchantment | Lucky Stats | Requirements | Side Effects |
Illuminate | Cleric/Paladin | (Glow) | Wis (max +4); Extreme (max +4 other) | No (Glow); No Illuminated Flag | None |
Resonate | Psionicist | (Hum) | Luck (max +3); Extreme (max +3 other) | No (Hum); No Resonated Flag | None |
Solidify | Mage/Psionicist | Remove (Invis) | HR/DR (max +6) | (Invis) Flag; No Solidified Flag | None |
Enchant Weapon | Mage | Adds HR/DR | Int/Wis/Luck | None | Chance item will break |
Enchant Armor | Mage | Adds +Resist | Int/Wis/Luck | None | Chance item will break |
Reinforce | Warrior | Adds +Resist | Any | None | Chance item will break |
Sharpen | Warrior | Adds HR/DR | Any | None | Chance item will break |
Enchanting is used in Aardwolf to make armor and weapons better. As you can see from the table above, the enchantment spells and skills can add new flags, stats, armor class(AC), and Hitroll/Damroll (HR/DR). The three 'core enchantment spells', illuminate, resonate, and solidify are the most widely used because they will not break equipment and they have a chance to add more stats than other enchantment skills. However, there can be bad side-effects to the other enchantments, particularly the chance to break your item.
Who can enchant?
​If you have an enchantment skill or spell, you can use it on the proper item to try and enchant it. However, major enchanting is generally only done by Heros (Level 200 or 201 Players) who have had time to max their stats. Trying to get a near-max enchantment on items in the middle of a mort is usually not a good idea. If you are in the middle of a mort and would like to get a good enchantment on an item, there are plenty of heros willing to offer you their services, for a price. If a hero offers enchantment services, they will usually say so in their description and list their prices. If you don't really need a super enchantment, but just a little boost, you can try asking around. There are many people in Aardwolf that are willing to help you for free.
Skills In-Depth
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Secondary Stats: Luck
lluminate adds the 'glow' flag to equipment, allowing you to see the piece of equipment in the dark. Illuminate can be cast on pieces of equipment that do not already have the (Glow) flag or the 'illuminated' flag. As far as stats are concerned, illuminate is a one-chance spell. If you cast illuminate on an item and you do not receive lucky stats, the 'glow' flag will be added to the item, making it impossible to cast illuminate on that item again. If you do get lucky and stats are added, the 'illuminated' flag will be added to the item. If you fail to get lucky stats on a very important item, there are ways to remove the glow flag (see 'Toggling Flags' below).
Illuminate adds the wisdom stat to an item; up to maximum of 4 points of wisdom added.
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Secondary Stats: Intelligence/Luck
Resonate is another of the three core enchantment spells. It adds the (Hum) flag, which allows you to see the item while you are blinded. Resonate can be cast on items that do not have the 'hum' flag or the 'resonated' flag. Like illuminate, resonate is a one chance spell. If you cast the spell on an item and do not get lucky stats, the hum flag will be added to the item, making it impossible to cast resonate on the item again. If you do receive lucky stats, the 'resonated' flag will be added to the item. If the item was very important and you did not receive stats, you can have the hum flag removed (see 'Toggling Flags' below).
Resonate can add the luck stat to an item, up to a maximum of 3 points of luck added.
Primary Stats: Intelligence/Wisdom
Secondary Stats: Luck
The last of the three core enchantment spells, solidify removes the (Invis) flag from items. This allows you to see the item without having to be able to 'detect invis'. Solidify must be cast on an item with the invis flag. Solidify is a one-chance spell. If you do not get lucky stats on a cast, the invis flag will be removed and you will be unable to cast solidify again. If lucky stats are added, the 'solidified' flag will be added to the item. If the item was very important and you did not receive stats, you can have the hum flag removed (see 'Toggling Flags' below).
Solidify can add Hitroll and Damroll to an item, up to a maximum of 6 hitroll or damroll added. You either get hitroll or damroll, not both.
Enchant Weapon
Primary Stat: Intelligence
Secondary Stat: Luck
Enchant weapon is used to add hitroll and damroll to weapons. Unlike the three core enchantment spells, enchant weapon can be cast several times. Each time the spell is successfully cast, 1HR/1DR or 2HR/2DR are added to the weapon. Each time the spell is successfully cast, there is also a chance that you will get some lucky stats. These stats can include intelligence, wisdom, or luck. The catch is that the more you enchant a weapon, the greater the chance that the next cast will destroy the stats on the weapon completely.
Each lucky cast that you get that adds stats will add only one point of one of the possible stats.
Enchant Armor
Primary Stat: Intelligence
Secondary Stat: Luck
Enchant Armor is used to add resists to a piece of equipment. Like enchant weapon, enchant armor can be cast multiple times on one piece of equipment. Each time the spell is successfully cast, 1 or 2 AC will be added to the item. You also have a chance for lucky stats with enchant armor. With each lucky cast that adds stats, either 1 intelligence, 1 wisdom, or 1 luck will be added to the item.
Enchant armor has the same risk as enchant weapon; the more you cast it, the greater the chance that all stats will be removed from the item.
Primary Stat: Strength
Secondary Stat: Luck
Reinforce is a warrior skill that add resists to pieces of equipment. It can be used multiple times on a piece of equipment but with each use the chance of all stats being removed from the item increases.
Any lucky stats can be gained with the reinforce skill.
Primary Stats:Strength/Dexterity
Secondary Stat:Luck
Sharpen is a warrior skill used to add hitroll and damroll to weapons. It can be used multiple times on a weapon but with each use the chance of all stats being removed from the weapon increases.
Any lucky stats can be gained with the sharpen skill.
Toggling Flags
There are several flags which can be set or unset (toggled) using the setflags command at Ivar's Item Remodeling in Aylor. See 'help setflags' for the instructions.