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  1. Members shall be admitted by majority of votes cast, with a minimum of 3 "yes" votes, during the 2 week period following an application, posted privately to the Clan on the Personal Board. To be admitted a Member Candidate must also have interviewed with at least 3 Clan Members, at least one of whom is a Clan Leader.

  2. A Candidate will have completed the Academy Goal and has reached at least level 15.

  3. A Candidate and/or his/her alts may not be members of any other Clan.

  4. Candidates will have completed at least 5 quests.

  5. The Clan may outcast a Member only by majority of votes cast during the seven-day period following a publicly-posted complaint by another Member.

Note: A Ward will be outcast after 2 months of unexplained inactivity.

©2024 by Clan Crusader

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